Secrets of a physician to lose weight

Les secrets dWhen I was a kid, I thought my body was perfect: my arms were strong enough for the monkey bars and my legs were perfect for spinning again and again. But in 10 years, a member of my family (which shall remain nameless) called me the "chubby". Seeing me through the eyes of others, I began to worry about the size of my jeans and what I ate.

Then I turned 17. My friends and I went to a friend's cottage to celebrate getting our diplomas. On my way to the beach in my new colorful bikini, my boyfriend came over and whispered to me: "You're fed."

When I look at the photos of this trip, I am shocked because I'm beautiful in this swimsuit, as a 17 year old girl healthy. But then, it has destroyed me and my appetite and increasing fears of overweight turned into an eating disorder. I counted calories obsessively and I surentraînais daily.

I am eternally grateful to concerned friend who advised me to consult a nutritionist. This gave me some advice that I still follow: "Trust your body. If you only eat when you are hungry and you stop when you are satisfied, you will never have a weight problem. "

I tried it and I realized she was right. It made such a difference to me that I wanted to help others. I took a degree in dietetics and I became personal physician and adviser. I teach other women how to listen to their bodies and trust him for over 20 years now.

I like the concept of Best Health "Love your body" because a healthy body is really easy to love. Here are some ways that can help you reconnect with yourself:

Learn the language of your body
The majority of us grow too strong. Health problems related to stress accounted for 90% of visits to the doctor. In my office, the most common cases of stomach pain, tension in the neck or back, rashes and colds. People often go to the doctor for a quick solution. But ask yourself: "What my body wants me to change?" The answer may be that you need to slow down or stop eating too much junk food. Your body wants maybe you change careers. Pay attention to the answer.