Whether it is through diet, alternative medicine or traditional medicine. Growth hormone helps to grow a child who fails in children, but no effect in adults if not increase muscle mass, to act on the metabolism of sugars, etc., c is the substance can be used in most sports, because I believe that there is no test to detect it.
By cons: with age (! Not yet 30 years old, lol) size decreases, due to the slowdown in the spine. In the spine there are vertebrae and discs. A bone is a vertebra. More bone is used, the more it stays solid (thus sport, physical effort), provided that there is enough calcium in the diet. A European French food / is fairly rich in Calcium, except sometimes in people who have almost no physical activity, needs very low calories. What is unknown: we eat more protein, more calcium is eliminated in the urine. It is therefore incorrect and tricky to get people to eat more FrontPage and other dairy products. The ratio of calcium / calcium and calorie / protein is better in many vegetables, etc..
The inter vertebral discs also tend to settle over time. Those worn discs / taper are the main cause of sciatica (nerve is trapped, not enough space between two vertebrae), erg
There are various events that promote issues discs. The discs are more resistant if there are muscles "in shape" between the vertebrae which will absorb shock and spare disks. A back support resulted in better shocks and other movement that put hard pressure.
Conclusion: no way to increase the size. Protect his back by a healthy diet, physical activity, avoidance of certain violent movements reduces to some extent the decrease in size in the elderly.
And here I agree with the opinion of other Trieste why do you grow? (Assuming you put the question to you). I vote for a world without discrimination, there is room for large, small, fat and thin. If you asked the question, I see two major possible reason:
- Many women enjoy the greatest men. Cultural phenomenon, also linked to the statistics: a woman measuring 20-29 (in France) 1 m 65, the 1 m 77.7 men. Many women choose their mate based on the totality of their "quality". The qualities of heart, soul, brain, etc., will often prevail over physical appearance. Look around you. I see so pretty. women whose husbands die ugly, fat, etc.. If you're alone, you have to convince yourself that you have value, comparing you to all conceivable issues to other men. If you do not do it, if you have a deep lack of confidence in you: psychologist or psychiatrist may well help you.
- If you are in a situation of torque that goes, "life", it is even more probable that you have a lack of confidence in you, that you bring a lot to your waist, while the lack of confidence can a good indirect link with size. Again, of course, a psychological assistance may be helpful. See a therapist has little to do with mental illness or not. Shrinks see a lot of people who suffer from discomfort, very few patients who have severe mental illnesses style "madness." Go see a shrink has no meaning if it is motivated, if we believe that it can help. Otherwise it can not work.